Monday, May 2, 2016

Seattle May Day Protest

I talked earlier about the violence that took place at the Kent State protests during Vietnam. This is a story with a slightly different ending. May Day is international holiday for workers to protest better working conditions. In Seattle, apparently this protest is a big deal as the turn out was enormous. There was rioting in the streets. Police moved in with riot gear and attempted to defuse the situation without using lethal force. Protestors proceeded to shoot fireworks, throw rocks, and fling molotov cocktails at police. These clashes lasted all day and by the end of it nine protestors were arrested and five officers were injured.

Which considering our country's history with riots is a miraculous outcome. The mayor of Seattle was quoted in saying, "It is unfortunate and deeply regrettable that in a city that goes to incredible lengths to respect First Amendment rights, there are some who disregard our values and engage in senseless acts of violence and property destruction," he said. "My thoughts are with the officers who were injured."(CNN). If only the police could have been this careful in 1970, but either way fortunately times have changed.

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